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Make Your Efforts Count With Dedicated Nutritional Therapy

In addition to personal training, Beth Hirst Training LLC offers a comprehensive Nutritional Therapy Program. This program takes a highly individualized holistic approach to help each client change their food and lifestyle habits in a sustainable and life-altering way.


Why might you need this?

Optimal health is something that we all deserve! But we get caught up in life, and we get distracted by the profound amount of information that is out there about health and nutrition. Our goal is help men and women across Winston-Salem and the greater triad area understand their nutritional needs as they work towards a better quality of life. Simply fill out the short form today to learn more about how a Nutritional Therapy program can help you get real results!

Nutritional Therapy Can Help You Inside and Outside the Gym

After you’ve made the decision and commitment to improving your physical and overall well being, you want to make sure that you’re doing what is right for YOUR body. In order to make positive impacts that truly last, you need to be sure that you’re giving your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to make all of your physical efforts worthwhile. Beth Hirst Training LLC can you help you ensure that your efforts produce meaningful results.

In addition to seeking nutritional therapy to compliment an exercise routine, there may be other underlying health issues that lead you to seek out this personalized programming. One day we may wake up and feel loss of vitality. We may even feel symptoms of a specific health concern. Nutritional Therapy Practitioners use a comprehensive tool to dive deep and find the root cause of these feelings and/or symptoms. We focus on supporting the 6 foundations (diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, essential fatty acids, mineral balance, and hydration) to reach optimal health. 


Here’s what you can expect with Nutritional Therapy from Beth Hirst Training LLC:

  • Clients are first sent an initial interview form, a detailed health questionnaire, and a “food and mood” log to fill out and submit

  • After analyzing those forms, we conduct an initial virtual interview. This is when we’ll ask any clarifying questions while discussing and agreeing on a set of long and short-term goals. During this visit, clients receive their first set of individualized food and lifestyle recommendations.

  • 4 weeks after the initial visit, we conduct a follow-up visit. A few additional checkup forms are submitted prior to this visit, we’ll discuss progress and next steps. This visit allows us to determine any adjustments for a modified list of recommendations.

  • From here, follow-up visits can continue for however long the client wants or needs to be successful on his/her health journey!


Learn More About Winston-Salem’s Best Nutritional Therapy Today!

If you’ve ever struggled to see real results, and you want to take your own progress to the next level, contact Beth Hirst Training LLC today and discover a personalized path to wellness. We’re here to serve people of all backgrounds, regardless of their starting point, history, and overall fitness background.

*As a nutritional therapy practitioner we will not diagnose or treat any medical conditions, and I am not a registered dietician.

Healthy Food
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